Tax Tips
Do you know foreign owners of residential land in NSW, must also pay a surcharge land tax without the threshold (e.g. $822,000 for FY2022) and that the surcharge land rate is going up from 2023.
The 2022/23 Federal Budget has a range of new measures for individuals and businesses.
The new temporary full expensing depreciation measure was introduced to provide further economic support for businesses with an aggregated turnover of less than $5 billion, as a result of Covid-19.
We all know the Grinch loves to ruin Christmas and so you want to be extra careful when organising the office Christmas Party or giving staff a Christmas gift that you don't actually get hit with the Christmas Grinch of taxes - the Fringe Benefits Tax.
With so much change in our lives this year, it’s good to know that the fundamentals of tax time have not changed. However, with so many of us finding that we are working from home it is worth digging into what you can and can’t claim this year.
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Mortdale NSW 2223